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Showing posts from April, 2020

Little Life Update - Lockdown

So this is all a bit strange ... on our 4th week of lockdown! To be honest, I actually really enjoyed it to start with, getting time to spend with my family that I wouldn’t have had normally, but I think it’s fair to say we’re all getting a bit fed up with it now!! Not helped by the weather changing from nice sunshine last week to rain or the fact that I’m getting ever closer to exams but the mood has definitely changed. In the first couple of weeks, to make up for some special events we were due to go to but were obviously cancelled, we had a couple evenings all round the table - I cooked a big three course meal, we all dressed up and actually had a good time! Last week, it was dad’s birthday, something to look forward to and celebrate, we tried to make it special for him with our first bbq of the season!! Always a favourite, I made all the trimmings and we had an amazing evening out in the garden! Right now, we don’t have anything to look forward to, but I’m hoping we will do somet...

Recipe Card - Onion Stuffed Garlic Tear & Share

Simple Coffee-Time Biccies

Simple Coffee-Time Biccies Home lock-down has got my family going slightly stir crazy! I'm loving the extra baking and cooking time, locking myself in the kitchen whenever I can and have found some great recipes online and in the newspaper (BBC Good Food is always a favourite; there's some great pages to follow on insta too for inspiration and recipes and the telegraph food and drink section is getting bigger every day!!) While insanity is starting to hit - we're trying to keep a routine/pattern and coffee time is now a major feature! It's the really needed morning pick-me-up a chance to break from revision, gather for a chat and of course eat biscuits!! Knowing how much my family love biscuits, we go through quite a few so I found this simple recipe online and have been loving making them on a regular basis. As you can see, the measures are a bit odd - I halved the recipe and found it made plenty of perfectly sized coffee time biccies! The Recipe below is f...

Upside-Down Banana Cake

Well I've been wanting to make an upside down cake for a while and 'lock-down' has given me the perfect excuse to spend more time in the kitchen! I spotted some rather ripe bananas in the fruit bowl and made the mistake of asking my family what they thought I should make, the answers came back unanimously for a crumble 😒 - banana crumble is a family favourite, I'll share the secret recipe another time - but having made crumble a few days before I fancied trying something different and found this recipe on the BBC Good Food App (a great source for all recipes - sweet, savoury and everything in-between - it's where I get a lot of inspiration for my cooking) Not having quite all the ingredients - of course I adapted or used similar and it tasted so good!!! While mine was still a little sloppy 😕 I've learnt for next time and would defo recommend a long bake covered with foil. We had this fabulous and show-stoppingly impressive looking cake still warm from ...