So this is all a bit strange ... on our 4th week of lockdown! To be honest, I actually really enjoyed it to start with, getting time to spend with my family that I wouldn’t have had normally, but I think it’s fair to say we’re all getting a bit fed up with it now!! Not helped by the weather changing from nice sunshine last week to rain or the fact that I’m getting ever closer to exams but the mood has definitely changed. In the first couple of weeks, to make up for some special events we were due to go to but were obviously cancelled, we had a couple evenings all round the table - I cooked a big three course meal, we all dressed up and actually had a good time! Last week, it was dad’s birthday, something to look forward to and celebrate, we tried to make it special for him with our first bbq of the season!! Always a favourite, I made all the trimmings and we had an amazing evening out in the garden! Right now, we don’t have anything to look forward to, but I’m hoping we will do somet...