Such a simple recipe but a great crowd pleaser that’s bound to impress!
It was my housemates birthday recently and as tradition goes, I wanted to make home a cake but knowing that his go to sweet treats are biscuits I wanted to incorporate a childhood fave!
I used a simple cake batter recipe, filled with jam, decorated with chocolate ganache frosting & cut Jamie dodgers and voila... he was so pleased!!
Recipe - cake:
8oz Caster sugar
8oz Soft baking butter (cheaper than normal butter and works just as well!)
8oz Self-raising flour
1tsp baking powder
4 medium eggs
1tsp vanilla essence
1/2 a jar of strawberry or raspberry jam (be sure to take out any large lumps of fruit)
Approx.150ml double cream
240g white chocolate (I used lidl own brand -only 30p a bar- doesn’t have to be anything fancy)
1) cream the softened butter with the Caster sugar untill well combined
2) add three of the eggs - one at a time - whisking the mixture as quick as you can
3) add half the flour, the baking powder and vanilla essence before mixing in the last egg
4) fold in the remaining flour
5) split the mixture evenly between two equally sized cake tins
6) bake at around 180 for 15 minutes before checking and returning to oven for further 5/10mins - untill golden and springy - check a sharp implement comes back clean - tin foil may be required to prevent the top from darkening too much
7) leave to cool for before filling
8) begin preparing the frosting by chopping the chocolate into small chunk pieces, heating the cream over a ban Marie on the stove and mixing in the chocolate untill completely melted and smooth
9) remove from the stove and leave to cool untill spreadable
10) fill the cake with an even coverage of the jam and placing one of the sponges on top of the other
11) once the ganache is sufficiently cool smother evenly all over the top and sides of the cake with a flat knife of the back of a spactual
12) cut the Jamie dodgers to give them flat edges and insert into slits in the top of the sponge so they stand up around one side of the cake
13) Light the candles, dim the lights and celebrate!!!
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